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Otometoge Maria Church

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Visit date - 12/27/2021
Edit date - 12/25/2022

This is where Korinji Temple was located in 1868.
In Japan, a ban on Christianity had been in effect since 1612 and was still in effect in 1868.
The Japanese government arrested 3,394 Christians in Nagasaki Prefecture in 1868.
The charge was that they were Christians.
Of these 3394 Christians, 153 were brought to this place.
Here, the Japanese government was doing everything in its power to stop the Christian faith from these 153 people.
Of these 153, 37 were martyred.

In 1873, the ban on Christianity in Japan was lifted.
Those who kept their Christian faith here returned to Nagasaki Prefecture.

In 1951, Maria Church was built on this site to commemorate the martyrs.

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Otometoge Maria Church
699-5605 Japan

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TEL : +81-856-72-0251
