
Historical facilities
Hara Castle Ruins

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Edit date - 12/12/2020

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Medieval Japan and Christianity

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Hara Castle is famous for being the base of the civilian forces that fought against the central government during the Shimabara-Amakusa Rebellion that took place between 1637 and 1638.

The central government, victorious in the Shimabara and Amakusa Rebellions, destroyed Hara Castle.

There is a tower of crosses in the main part of Hara Castle.

There is also a statue of Amakusa Shiro.

There is also a tombstone for Amakusa Shiro.

There was a statue of a Christian looking out to sea.


Hara Castle Ruins
MinamiArima-chou, MinamiShimabara-shi, Nagasaki-ken
859-2412 Japan

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#Hara Castle Ruins