Tonari no Totoro Bus Stop
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Visit date - 08/28/2022
Edit date - 08/29/2022
This Totoro statue was made by a craftsman called Sakan (70 years old at the time) and his wife.
They made it to please their grandchildren and neighborhood children.
The statue was made using only cement, utilizing Sakan's technology.

The Totoro statue blends well with this tranquil landscape.
The grandchildren of the statue's creator must have been very pleased.
This Totoro statue was created by an ordinary person.
And the place where the statue is exhibited is the garden of the maker's house.
Therefore, please use good manners when visiting to see this statue.
Here is the related page.
Tonari no Totoro Bus Stop
7538-6 Kamamuta,Takaharu-cho,Miyazaki-ken
889-4414 Japan
Home Page :
TEL : -
#historical facilities
#Saito Kofun Festival