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Visit date - 08/20/2022
Edit date - 08/21/2022

Sorafune-no-Sanbashi is an observation facility located at the top of Mount Tango in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture.
On August 20, 2022, when I visited, a summer festival was held at a place called Uchinomaki at the foot of Mount Tango.
Although the festival content was limited during this period due to COVID-19, Hanabi went on as planned.
Sorafune-no-Sanbashi was one of the most appropriate places to see this Hanabi.

There is a place called Obasute in Nagano Prefecture.
This place is famous as one of the most beautiful landscapes in Japan.
I actually visited Obasute myself.
Obasute had a very nice view.
However, the lesser-known Sorafune-no-Sanbashi was just as spectacular as Obasute.

(Related Information)

Obasute Park
Arato Castle Ruins


The nearest parking lot to Sorafune-no-Sanbashi.
Goats were raised here.

From here, head for Sorafune-no-Sanbashi.

There is a coffee shop in front of Sorafune-no-Sanbashi.

Sorafune-no-Sanbashi is located just a short distance from this coffee shop.

This is Sorafune-no-Sanbashi.
The view from here is spectacular.

In Japan, mountains are sacred places.
For this reason, there are symbols near many mountain peaks in Japan where spirits dwell.

This is the night view from Sorafune-no-Sanbashi.


869-2302 Japan

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#historical facilities
#Morning glory