
Japanese Oni Exchange Museum

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Visit date - 11/05/2017
Edit date - 03/31/2020
revision - 05/26/2020

It is a museum that displays the "ONI"
that is indispensable in Japanese folk tales.

This is the exterior of the museum.

This is the inside of the museum.

The following photos illustrate the history of ONI.
It is said that the expression "ONI" has been around since the Heian period (794~).

ONI is an imaginary being.
ONI has been with us for a long time.
The ONI in the children's book becomes the villain to make the story interesting.
It also serves as a guardian deity for people.
The word "ONI" is also used to describe a great power or a great existence.
For us, ONI is very Familiar existence to us.

They are ONI dolls.

This is the masks of ONI.

The photo below looks like a human, but it's an ONI called SHUTENDOJI.

TENGU's masks were also on display.

The next picture is ONIGAWARA.


Since ONIGAWARA is the name of the part of the roof, there are some items that are not designed by ONI.

This painting depicts ONI.

This is a drawing of ONI called MANAGU-TAKO.

The next photos were introduced as "ONI in the world".

The next three ONIs are BAJI-ONI, who are enshrined in Bali, Indonesia.
BAJI-ONI is enshrined on the roadside and watches over the children.
The role of BAJI-ONI is similar to that of JIZO in Japan.


Japanese Oni Exchange Museum
909 Butsushouji,Ooechou,Fukuchiyama-shi,Kyoto-fu
620-0321 Japan

Home Page :
TEL : +81-773-56-1996

#shuten doji
#kobutori jisan
#yasashii aooni