
Seasonal Events
Yobuko Morning Market Street

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Visit date - 12/02/2022
Edit date - 12/22/2022

Yobuko-machi in Karatsu City is a port town with a thriving squid fishing industry.
The squid here is famous for being fresh and very tasty.

Yobuko-machi's "Morning Market" is said to have originated in the Edo period when fishermen and farmers would barter whale meat, fresh fish, and agricultural products.
In Yobuko-machi, men go fishing and women sell their seafood at the "morning market.
"Morning Market" is still rooted in the community and is an essential part of everyday life in Yobuko.

Here is a look at the shopping district where the "Morning Market" is held.
However, since the time the photo was taken was a December evening, there were no pedestrians.


Yobuko Morning Market Street
847-0303 Japan

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TEL : +81-955-82-3426

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