
Seasonal Events
Florante Miyazaki

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Visit date - 08/28/2022
Edit date - 09/02/2022

Florante Miyazaki is a botanical garden.
Here, visitors can appreciate plants from all over the world throughout the year.
There are various types of gardens and plazas in the vast grounds.
Among them was a sample garden of Japanese houses.

The morning glory event was ongoing on this day.
Also, sunflowers were blooming beautifully.

This is a sample garden of Japanese houses.

Here are the plants you can enjoy in the greenhouse.


Florante Miyazaki
414-16 Hamayama,Yamasakicho,Miyazaki-shi,Miyazaki-ken
880-0836 Japan

Home Page :
TEL : +81-985-23-1510

#historical facilities
#Saito Kofun Festival