
Seasonal Events
Yutoku Inari Shrine

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Visit date - 02/03/2022
------------- 05/19/2019
Edit date - 02/06/2022

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About Inari Shrine

In Japan, February 3, 2022 is the day known as "Setsubun".
Setsubun means "to divide the seasons" and refers to the day when the seasons change.
In Japan, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, so there are four Setsubun festivals.
Among all the Setsubun, the spring Setsubun, the beginning of the New Year, is the most important for Japanese people.
So, for us, Setsubun in 2022 means February 3rd. (Depending on the calendar, it may fall on a day other than February 3 in some years.)
In Setsubun, the most famous event is called "Mame-maki".
Other than that, people eat "Eho-maki" to bring good luck, and decorate "Hiragi-Iwashi" to ward off bad luck.
At Yutoku Inari Shrine, they were holding a "Mame-maki" event, which I would like to introduce to you first.

Short video 02"57'

long video 05"09'

The manner of "Mame-maki" in this video is the manner of Yutoku Inari Shrine.
Other shrines, groups, and families have different manners of "Mame-maki".
Also, what the clergyman on horseback is sprinkling are roasted beans.

Beans have the meaning of "destroying evil".
The reason for frying the beans is to prevent the uncollected beans from sprouting after they are scattered.
When a bean sprouts, it means "evil spirits sprout".
In other parts of the world, shelled peanuts are also used.

Here is a photo taken on May 19, 2019.


Yutoku Inari Shrine
1855 Furueda-Otsu,Kashima-shi,Saga-ken
849-1321 Japan

Home Page :
TEL : +81-954-62-2151
