shrines and temples
Ryuzoji Temple
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Visit date - 11/28/2022
Edit date - 11/28/2022
Ryuzoji Temple is a temple of the Shingonshu Buddhist sect, founded in 741.
Within the precincts of this temple is a 50-meter-high gingko tree that is approximately 1,000 years old.
In the fall, when the leaves of these ginkgo trees fall, the view is like a carpet.
It is said that the reason why many gingko trees are planted in temples and other places is because the moisture in the leaves of gingko trees prevents the fire from gaining momentum in case the temple catches fire.

We will now move upstream of the falls.

Jizo-sama watches over us in places due to the poor footing of the road.

We have arrived at our destination.
Ryuzoji Temple
1750 Yoshiki,Yamaguchi-shi,Yamaguchi-ken
753-0811 Japan
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TEL : +81-83-924-1357