kurayoshi figure Museum
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Visit date - 11/23/2021
Edit date - 11/27/2021
The kurayoshi figure museum is a museum that mainly displays models of movie and anime characters, animals, and insects.
When I visited the kurayoshi figure museum, there was a special exhibition on "food model (fake food)".
"food models (fake food)" are so famous and high quality that they are part of Japanese culture.
"food model (fake food)" is mainly displayed in restaurants and stores, and serves as a menu.
All the foods on this page are "food model(fake food)".
These are models.

An example of a "food model(fake food)" display.
A simplified explanation of how to complete a "food model (fake food)".

A view of the "food model (fake food)" exhibition area.

Here are the exterior and interior of the kurayoshi figure museum.

kurayoshi figure Museum
1-2971-2 Kajimachi,Kurayoshi-shi,Tottori-ken
682-0864 Japan
Home Page :
TEL : +81-858-27-1200